The Bothering

This video belongs to James, who won it fair and square. And he’s an awesome person!
Video credits

Written & Directed by: Christopher Bingham
Starring: Christopher & Jennifer Bingham

The making of The Bothering was fun and simple. Jenny and I were on a family holiday, staying in this amazing old house with high ceilings and windows. I wanted to shoot something to take advantage of the main living room’s decor, so we made this. It was written in the morning and shot in the afternoon of the same day, and for 12 years it’s been one of my most popular (and definitely most quoted) videos.

Originally uploaded in 2011. This version has not been touched except for new title/end cards and a slight increase in overall audio volume (the original was quiet). It’s been uploaded in the highest quality available, found thanks to my recent Nostalgia Streams sifting through over a decade of hard drives.

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